Things That One Has to Know Before Rhinoplasty

Things That One Has to Know Before Rhinoplasty

Undoubtedly nose affects our overall look, it beautifies us or makes us feel underconfident. The nose is one of the most prominent parts of our face that is notified at the very first sight. Everyone wishes to have a perfect nose with a perfect shape. Although rhinoplasty is done to change the shape of the nose. Besides this, there are several other reasons too for rhinoplasty.

It is done to treat the sinus issues, and breathing issues, to correct the birth defects, or to make a change in the crooked nose or hump of the nose.  Now of all these, there are many things that one has to know before the rhinoplasty in Lahore. The person who is undergoing the procedure often has a question about the rhinoplasty.

Nevertheless, it is important to understand the surgery you are going to handle. What will be the outcome and what are your expectations. As this will ease the candidate in his queries;

Cost of the Rhinoplasty Surgery and the Result:

Before moving further with the surgery one must know about its costs and the type of surgery they are getting. You must understand what you are going to change and what you will get. Once you have changed the shape of your nose it is not easy to get it back. So it is a must for you to understand the procedure thoroughly and admit the change you will get. It doesn’t matter whether changing the shape of your nose will beautify you or not. There are several factors too like your lips eyes, and cheeks that are also dependent on your beauty.

Is Rhinoplasty Dangerous?

Rhinoplasty is surgery and surgeries do have some complications. Yet it is not dangerous but it too has some effects. The complications vary from person to person. Now here one must also keep in their mind that they must prefer to visit a skilled surgical center for the procedure and get their surgery done by the best surgeons. The best and board-certified surgeons will help you to understand the potential issue that you can face because of the surgery and most importantly you must follow the after-surgery instructions to the point.

The Time required to complete the surgery

Now, most people often have a question about the time that is required to complete the surgery. Here we want to clarify that most of the time it takes nearly 2 to 4 hours to complete the surgery and sometimes the time depends upon the type of procedure that you e going to take. In some cases, the patients are also given general anesthesia.

Types of Rhinoplasty:

There are two main types of rhinoplasty, one is the open rhinoplasty while the other one is closed rhinoplasty. As names say, open rhinoplasty is done outside the nose while closed rhinoplasty is done inside the nose leaving no scars. Open rhinoplasty often leaves scars and this is the very reason people prefer to choose closed rhinoplasty. Hence before moving for the surgery one must ask his surgeon what type of rhinoplasty is he going through.


Before getting the surgery done, one must get a consultation with at least two surgeons. This will enable him to understand the issue and the solution for his nose. Consultation is also important as it allows the patient to know more about the surgeon. Moreover, your doctor will also stop you from taking any sort of medication or anti-inflammatory drugs or things that may cause any complications during or after the surgery.

Surgery After Month:

Once the surgery is done, the next thing is to understand the treatments and the preventative measure required after the surgery.  One must ask his surgeon about the do’s and don’ts after the surgery as this will allow the patient to heal fast. The surgeon will recommend after surgery treatments too. What a person should do after the month of the surgery? One must visit his surgeon once in a month to understand the condition of his nose.


These are some of the things that one has to know before the rhinoplasty.

Categories : Beauty Surgery

Dr. Farrukh Aslam Khalid is fully accredited Plastic, Cosmetic and Hair Transplant Surgeon and a Life member of Pakistan Association of Plastic Surgeons. He is a member of many National and International societies and presented his work in many national and international conferences and courses. His main work is facial aesthetics, body contouring, and breast surgery. He has a large of satisfied clients.
He is highly skilled and very professional. You can feel yourself at ease with him. He usually listens to his clients very carefully and suggests what is best for them.

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