What Men Should Know Before Having Gynecomastia Surgery

What Men Should Know Before Having Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a condition that affects more than 30 percent of men during their lifetime. There are several symptoms associated with this condition, including enlarged male breasts. There is a sense of shame and embarrassment among men suffering from this condition as a result of their condition. The last five years have seen a rise in the number of gynecomastia surgery in Lahore of over 30%.

While you consider gynecomastia surgery, here are some things you should know.

What is gynecomastia surgery?

In a person assigned male at birth, genital gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size. Also known as reduction mammaplasty, this surgery reduces male breasts. Women and men with gynecomastia can benefit from it.

Excess tissue and fat from the breast can be removed with this procedure. A gynecomastia operation can improve your self-esteem. This procedure is used by many people to improve their appearance, regardless of whether they are wearing clothes or not.

Gynecomastia Surgery Preparation

Gynecomastia surgeons perform male breast removal. Before surgery, your surgeon will explain how to prepare. Eat and drink nothing 24 hours before the procedure. Wash with antibacterial soap as well.

If you are taking medications that increase bleeding risk, your surgeon will tell you to stop. It’s recommended that you quit smoking two months before. Two weeks before surgery, your doctor may ask you to take a multivitamin. You will need to be in reasonable health to have the male breast surgery removed.

In addition to scheduling your routine, you should also take some time off during the week. A two week break is essential if you are working a physically demanding job that requires a lot of physical effort. A doctor’s letter can often be used by you to ask your employer to give you time off when you are sick.

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery

A variety of factors can affect your fees. You should consider the type of surgery, your health, your body type, the surgical center, anesthesia, and the doctor’s fees. The most accurate estimate of the cost of gynecomastia surgery requires a consultation with a gynecomastia surgeon.

Gynecomastia surgery: what to expect?

You usually leave home the same day after gynecomastia surgery. Arrangements need to be made for someone to drive you to your house. When you return home, your provider will show you how to take care of yourself and your incisions.

A supportive garment will be wrapped around your chest while you heal. Your chest is supported and swelling is reduced. You will receive pain medications from your provider. As well as reducing swelling, these drugs lower infection risk.


If you feel uncomfortable, gynecomastia surgery can help. You can say goodbye to chafing. You can boost your self-esteem. At the pool or beach, you can take your shirt off without issue. Visualize your flat, masculine chest where there was once male breast growth. Getting a gynecomastia diagnosis and having surgery can sometimes reveal more serious issues, including hyperthyroidism and low testosterone.

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Dr. Farrukh Aslam Khalid is fully accredited Plastic, Cosmetic and Hair Transplant Surgeon and a Life member of Pakistan Association of Plastic Surgeons. He is a member of many National and International societies and presented his work in many national and international conferences and courses. His main work is facial aesthetics, body contouring, and breast surgery. He has a large of satisfied clients.
He is highly skilled and very professional. You can feel yourself at ease with him. He usually listens to his clients very carefully and suggests what is best for them.

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